Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Familiar Faces

People find comfort in familiarity, especially when they are in unfamiliar situations. It is no wonder that when tragedy strikes, stores like Wal-Mart and Kroger will put Pop Tarts at the front of the store. It is the understanding of people to associate certain items during different times. Crazy huh? The smell coming from Bath & Body Works, that's not an accident ladies. Even though those examples are random facts of life, it is just a preliminary example of what I really want to focus on. My thoughts lie with an indvidual's own life and own personal familiarities.

In your time somewhere else, such as another city or in a college setting, have you ever walked by someone and thought: "I know you from somewhere" or "Wow that looks like so & so." I would find it hard to believe that you didn't. For me this is a nearly every day experience when I am walking around campus. Maybe you think I am crazy for thinking so much about this but I have my reasons, no matter how far out there they may be.

Every time I see a familiar face I think of the person I know back home, or wherever they are from. I see their story, recall their relationship to me, even think of things to come from time to time. You didn't know I could predict the future, did you? Haha... seriously though I absolutely love these moments. Every time something like this happens it brings me a positive reminder of my friends, our experiences, our trials and our tribulations. The reminders to me are a nice way of knowing that there were people in my life (maybe still are) who will always hold a memory, whether they know it or not.

Although I love my situation now and I look forward to the future, it always fun to reminisce about the past. Thanks to all those people who have provided those memories, and thanks to all the people who are making memories now.

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