Monday, January 21, 2008

It's Inevitable...

I know when I am up a 1:36 in the morning, particularly when I'm sober, it's for no good reason. Reason: Cannot go to sleep to save my life. I had all the greatest intentions but I have warmed the laptop back up, and I am already doing funny things.

For one, I looked up Miley Cyrus's new hit song. Yes, just the song, not her. If I want to see a young hottie I'll just search for Vanessa Hudgens ;-). Well, back to Miley, she has this one song lyric that I like..."the last time I freaked out" and I think that is relatively appropriate to me. See, I freak out a lot, but usually you don't know it. Usually it happens at around 1:30 in the morning on a weekday, so who is going to notice anyway. It's not like I have any girls lying in my bed.
When I freak out I also often decide to type. Now why do these two things even go together? Hell if I know, maybe my subconscious wants to tell me something with the eyes of a frosty eve, or maybe I'm just being a douche, either way I'm up and I'm typing.

I have been up because of what often keeps me up, the thoughts of my life in general. I have a great life with many good things going for me, which I love but there is always that one thing that lacks...ladies.

Yes, I know women, in fact I know many. Some pretty crazy, some pretty tame, some in between. I would love to have complete this part of my mysterious puzzle but at the same time I don't want it to get in the way of what I have. You're saying to yourself right now, "but Huggy Bear, true love conquers all." Well that's all good and well when things are ripe, but I am in my last year of college and in 5 months I am saying goodbye to Athens. So you can see the type of paradox that has presented itself to me.

However, I shall not fret, for I know there are many like me, single for various reasons, and I know that this is true for both sexes, but it would be nice to snatch into something before I go.

I guess I will just continue to take it one day at a time, and hope for the best to what lies ahead.

Huggy Bear is a lovable and loyal member of the Ohio University community and endorses the love that is OU.

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